A philosopher once said that there are three questions we have to answer in life before we are fully satisfied.
The first question is: Who am I? This question is not asking what my name is, but rather what my status here on earth is. Am I an individual on my own? A member of a family? A citizen of a country? Knowing my status here on earth will determine my value system, which will affect the decision I make today and the priorities I have in life.
The second question to ask ourselves is: what on earth am I doing here? In other words, what is my purpose in life? Having a purpose in life will give us the motivation to accomplish what we have in life. It may be money, fame, progression in the career, a happy family, individual pleasure, which are some of the examples what many people live for today. Having a purpose in life will give me the direction to walk towards, which will again affect what decision I make today.
But having a purpose in life is not enough; we need to have the satisfying purpose in life. How many people have started off wanting to make that a mount of money, and after doing that realize that the money does not satisfy them? How many people have wanted that position in the career, only to find out ‘it is all in vain’ after achieving that position? I believe that is why people who are considered successful by society go through mid-life crisis in life after achieving all that they have been struggling for in their lives. The question to ask your self is: what is the purpose in life?
Finally, the last question is: where am I going…..?
Rethink about it again. Only you who may be able to discover this path and then you’ll go for it.
Here is the song:
TIme of Your LIfe ( Green day's song) but here it's sung by
the Youngster:), Just do enjoy it; Don't think too much if you can't think of the right answers this time but it's not too late if you start thinking about it from now on.....