Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Recess Week's Over....

ទំនេរពីការសិក្សាឥឡូវខ្ញុំបានចំណាយពេលខ្លះហាត់រៀនតែងនិពន្ធបទភ្លេងនិងចំរៀង​ ហើយរៀនអាន​អក្សរផងដែរ។​ខ្ញុំបាន​និពន្ធច្រើនបទដែរ​ តែវានៅអ៊ែកអ៊ែកពេក ត្រូវការពេលវាលានិងការវឹកហាត់ ថែមទៀត.....

Okay this song I post here is one of the songs I'm trying to make. It is one of my friend's poem and I feel this lyric is quite good. I thought that if it's put in the rap-style music, maybe it's more favorite by teenagers. So this poem of my friend now becomes rap or hip-hop poem, haha.

Title: Walk one step, Think one step.
Lyric by Dararith, the smile hunter:)
Music n sing by Samuth, the Youngster...

Sorry for inconvenience! And this song is not completed yet cos now it's time for me to go back for school and I have to write some reports and other stuff... So so " So Happy"
Though enjoy it first, I'll be back....

P.S: Any comment? It's just for fun!


Anonymous said...

Hey, that`s really cool. You`re talented and blessed with great voice. Keep going!

Anonymous said...

That's cool and fun. Keep your good work.

youngster said...

Thanks for your interest. I'm trying to work on it if possible.

Anonymous said...

i could not understand what you are singing! sorry :-( it is too fast for me

youngster said...

That's fine! I guess you must not be the right type to listen to this. Maybe you're kind of a person from a different world so called alien. It sounds funny...anyway thanks for your coming here!

Anonymous said...

hey bro. love your skill :) keep it up, okay! remember to upload your video to our khmer music post here: http://www.camnob.com